Public Discussion and Media Brief: Rights Officials and Lawyers Petition ASEAN to Establish an Individual Complaints Mechanism and Fact-Finding Mission for Myanmar

The violence and brutality of Myanmar’s military junta regime is escalating dramatically. According to the latest report by the Independent Investigative Mechanism for Myanmar (IIMM), international atrocity crimes are continuing unabated, with no end in sight. Meanwhile, ASEAN’s legal channels to justice and accountability for the people of Myanmar remain log-jammed by a lack of political will – despite ASEAN’s mandate to uphold universally recognized human rights. The petitioners are urging ASEAN to take concrete steps to end impunity and to hold the Myanmar junta accountable for the human rights abuses taking place on an hourly basis across the country.

We invite you to attend and/or cover this important initiative which will be officially delivered through media briefing and the press conference that will be held on:

Day/Date: Friday, 11 August 2023
Time: 10.30 – 12.00 pm
Venue: Mr. Roastman Café, M Bloc.

1. Gilbert Andres (Philippines Human Rights Lawyer)
2. Romel Bagares (Philippines Human Rights Lawyer)
3. Salai Za UK Ling (Myanmar CSO Leader and Human Rights Activist) via call
4. Bivitri Susanti (STHI Jentera)

1. Khamid Istakhori (Building &; Wood Workers’ International Global Union)
2. Mahdi Muhammad ( Indepent Journalist Associaton/AJI National Committe)
– Shaleh Al Ghifari (Themis Indonesia)

Should you have further questions, please contact:
Shaleh Al Ghifari
Romel Bagares
